Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How Can You Kindle The Love Of Reading?

     Have you ever heard of the Scripps National Spelling Bee? Well, just recently, they hosted a contest called "How Can You Kindle The Love Of Reading?".
     Yeah, you may have guessed by the title of this post.
     Basically, this contest was only allowed for kids under 8th grade. And only for kids under 8th grade. Parents were not allowed to help, at all. We had to make a less-than-five-minutes video that described how to Kindle the love of reading. And guess what? The person who won would get $1,000, and a FREE 6 day trip to Washington DC!
     It had to be creative, out of the box, and most of all- spell out 3 words that describe how to kindle the love of reading.
     So, I created a stop motion video. I took me 6 hours to create. I was so excited, I was sure this was gonna win something. We went on the computer and tried to upload it.
     Then came midnight, the deadline. The video was still trying to upload. Turns out we were too late.  But here, you can watch it now!
     By the way, I still got one other different video in, and if it makes it, you can still vote for it! Voting starts on April 18th! :)

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